Im just looking for new friends to chill with on the weekends. Im doing my own thing working, making a bunch of money, building a 98 civic and constantly going out. Everything from concerts to broadway shows at the Belk theater. Come with? Stoner, gamer, metalhead, geek. Work in a diesel shop/tow
Interessato/a a: Una ragazza
Di: 26 - 38
Scopo: Amicizia, Flirt e appuntamenti
Reddito medio e stabile
Appartamento (in affitto o di proprietà)
Niente figli
Istituto tecnico/professionale
Lingue: English
Non fumo
Bevo in compagnia
  • Stati Uniti
Altezza: 191 cm (6′3″)
Peso: 80 kg (176 lb)

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